Hey West Coast gardeners! As we move into February, snow thaws, ice melts and we turn our attention towards an exciting year of gardening ahead. Here are my top tips for winter gardening and how best to prepare for the spring season ahead.

1. New year, new plan: prepare your garden plan
At West Coast Gardens we love to hear about your garden dreams — both big and small. For those with bigger garden dreams, I advise breaking your plan into 3 more manageable chunks.
What does this look like? In year one consider starting with tree shrubs, in year two fill-in with perennials and grasses, and lastly in year three look towards statutory elements and garden accents to complete your growing dream. Feel free to stop by and chat with us about your garden plan.
2. Get your tools ready
The slower winter months are a fantastic opportunity to get those pruners and tools out. While it’s not everyone’s favourite task, tool maintenance gets you ready for the growing season upon us, keeps your tools in tip-top shape for years to come, and means you can hit the ground running ready to go as gardens become more active again.

3. Fill in the gaps and check for early risers
If you have some gaps in your garden consider planting a minimal-care hellebore which flowers in late winter to early spring — sometimes while the ground is still covered with snow!
Also, check for early risers. While there is no need to fertilize yet, be sure to check for bulbs coming up to best prepare for spring care.

4. Let them breathe!
For those of us with gardens across Langley, South Surrey, or White Rock, we have a tendency to get lots of heavy winter rain that can compact the soil depriving oxygen hungry roots. As part of your winter gardening routine I suggest loosening up the soil to allow those roots to get a little air. This improvement in soil can make a big difference in your garden and supports early bloomers as they flourish.