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OPEN - Mon to Sat 9am to 5pm, Sun & holidays 10am to 5pm

My Summer Backyard Garden

A Diverse Summer Garden

Mix up your garden with colourful favourites in all shapes and sizes.

Keep things interesting all summer with a variety of plants in your garden, from blooming beauties to fantastic foliage. Each plant has its own location preferences, not to mention watering schedule, which means you can find the perfect spot for every one.

When you're picking plants for your backyard garden, it's important to think long-term. Will this plant spread and grow to fill out a lot of space? Will it be happy in all season, or get too waterlogged during the wetter months? How tall will it grow? You don't want your plants in the front of your garden to hide the ones in the back; but sometimes tall plants can provide welcome shade for less summer-hardy plants!

Choosing a variety of ground cover, flowering, foliage, short, and tall plants will create a garden with plenty of interest! Grasses add movement, annuals add colour, and perennials will keep your garden alive all year long.

A Picnic in the Yard

Keep a small grassy spot for impromptu picnics in the backyard! Grab your favourite blanket, a delicious basket of goodies, and a friend. 

Using large pots of plants that can be moved around your yard can make it easy to set up the perfect spot. Take shade into account as well, with a partly shaded or dappled shady area providing a cool spot during the heat.

A Shady Spot for Lemonade

Even a small covered area creates a different atmosphere to enjoy during the summer. 

Add a table and chair set with some personality for a relaxing spot to read or chat with friends over lemonade. A few well-picked plants (that love shady areas) can dress up the spot. We love Bergs Potter designs to pot them up in, however remember to bring them inside during the winter months.

A Potting shed to putter in

With the fresh smell of soil in the air, and sunshine through the glass, a potting shed or greenhouse is the perfect space for a weekend of planting and growing. Get those seeds in early, repot your tomatoes, or try tropical-loving plants that need the heat and humidity of your inside growing area. 

As hard work as gardening is, make sure to take time this summer to enjoy the fruits of your labour; whether that's blooms, bees, or a bountiful harvest of tasty fruit and vegetables. Create your own garden of joy!


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