Rainforest Inspired Indoor Planter
It's easy to add some greenery and lush indoor tropical plants to your urban home with this indoor planter. Giant ferns, foliage and colour create a rainforest look for the bustling city.
We've chosen a wide variety of indoor plants, adding in different heights, widths, shades of green and textures for an eye-popping display. We finished this cement pot design with decorative stones and natural drift wood pieces for a west coast feeling!
Of course feel free to change it up with your own favourites, but here's our list:
- Dracaena Marginata
- Adiantum 'Five Fingered Fern'
- Coffea 'Coffee Plant'
- Sperengerii 'Meyerii'
- Asplenium 'Birds Nest'
- Peperomia 'Metalica'
- Peperomia Rubella
- Selaginella
- Asparagus Plumosus
- Asplenium 'Crispy'
Get the ingredients for this indoor planter by clicking on the image below, then right clicking to save or print.