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OPEN - Mon to Sat 9am to 5pm, Sun & holidays 10am to 5pm

Create A Rustic Succulent Planter


Rustic farmhouse style decor is all over home and living stores these days, and we love the look. Our plants can easily fit into your home with a carefully chosen rustic looking container! Go for natural colours with a bit of a used look. We have picked out some fun succulents in different shapes and sizes to fit into the design.

Tuck all the plants in snuggly, leaving little soil showing in between. These guys like to cuddle! Add a bit of moss to add to the natural rustic look, and also cover any dirt left out. The long trailing succulents look great hanging over the edge of the pot and contrast nicely with the taller ones in the back. Have a great time choosing and organizing your succulent plants!


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