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OPEN - Mon to Sat 9am to 5pm, Sun & holidays 10am to 5pm

Plant Your Own Spring Meadow Moss Basket

Welcome spring!! We're so glad you're here! This rustic moss basket, bursting with spring bulbs, promises a beautiful season.

Jason starts by unpacking the moss, which is sometimes squished in bags when you bring it home. Unfold each piece of moss, and put the green side against the wire mesh of the basket, so it can show off the colour. Don't be afraid to use a thick layer of moss, as it helps keep the moisture inside!

After adding an all purpose potting mix, Jason pushes the soil right to the edge of the basket to help hold the moss in place and keep everything sturdy. Then he trims up the top edge and around the sides of the basket to show off the unique wire mesh design.

Three plants are better than one! Groupings of three create interest, colour and lush greenery in your moss basket. Tall daffodils in the back, big ranunculus blooms and various colours of pansies and violas.

Here are the ingredients we put in our design:

  • Moss
  • Narcissus
  • Ranunculus
  • Pansies
  • Violas
  • Selaginella
      Pick out your favourite blooms for this spring celebration! Use our handy shopping list by clicking on the image, then right clicking to save or print.



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